Commercial insurance is a necessity for every business owner. The kind of coverage that a business chooses will depend on a number of factors such as the type of business activity that the business undertakes, the risks involved, the location of the business, the cost and scope of coverage, and the number of employees, among others. Below is a brief look at some of the commercial insurance options that business owners should have.
- Property Insurance
- General Liability Insurance
- Professional liability Insurance

It has already begun: Japan has just cancelled a large contract to purchase U.S. wheat. "We will refrain from buying western white and feed wheat effective today," Toru Hisadome, a Japanese farm ministry official in charge of wheat trading, told Reuters.
As many readers well know, I predicted precisely this scenario just yesterday in a Natural News article warning about the consequences of genetic pollution. There, I wrote, "All wheat produced in the United States will now be heavily scrutinized -- and possibly even rejected -- by other nations that traditionally import U.S. wheat. This obviously has enormous economic implications for U.S. farmers and agriculture."
Now we're already seeing the result: the ditching of U.S. wheat by world nations that want nothing to do with GMOs.
Monsanto is a ticking time bomb for U.S. agriculture
This proves, without any question, that Monsanto's genetic experiments which "escaped" into commercial wheat fields are now going to devastate U.S. wheat farmers. Expect the floor to drop out on wheat prices, and watch for a huge backlash against the USDA by U.S. farmers who stand to lose hundreds of millions of dollars on this.As the USDA has now admitted, Monsanto's GMO experiments from 1998 - 2005 were held in open wheat fields. The genetically engineered wheat escaped and found its way into commercial wheat fields in Oregon (and possibly 15 other states), causing self-replicating genetic pollution that now taints the entire U.S. wheat industry.
"Asian consumers are keenly sensitive to gene-altered food, with few countries allowing imports of such cereals for human consumption," writes Reuters. It continues:
Asia imports more than 40 million tonnes of wheat annually, almost a third of the global trade of 140-150 million tonnes. The bulk of the region's supplies come from the United States, the world's biggest exporter, and Australia, the No. 2 supplier.
Another incredible Monsanto achievement: the genetic contamination of the U.S. wheat supply
Nice job, Monsanto. You've managed to spew your genetic pollution across the fields of innocent U.S. farmers who are now going to lose huge sums of money due to the reject of U.S. wheat by all the other world nations that refuse to feed their populations GMO.And a big thumbs up to the USDA, too, for screwing U.S. farmers by green-lighting open-field GMO experiments that we all warned were going to result in runaway genetic pollution. The USDA, of course, is the official cheerleading squad for Monsanto's criminal "science" that we all know is a total fraud. How do these scientists now suggest this self-replicating genetic pollution be put back into the black box from which it emerged?
It can't be done, of course. So now the entire future of the U.S. wheat supply is at risk thanks to Monsanto and the USDA. Nice one, folks. Score another victory for the scumbag destroyers in Washington D.C. and the greed-driven executives at our favorite corporation, Monsanto.
And remember: Genetically modified wheat is only the beginning. Monsanto has no doubt unleashed genetic pollution across many other crops as well. We're now living in an age where Monsanto is essentially ejaculating its patented seed across all the farms of America, then claiming to "own" the contaminated crops. What a wonderful image of corporate responsibility and service to humankind. I can't wait to see what other U.S. crops will be rejected by world nations due to Monsanto's genetic pollution.
Don't be fooled
by the bread demons, you CAN be healthy on a low-carb diet
If you’ve been
turned on to the low-carb Paleo diet craze, you may have noticed increased
energy, better digestion and happier mood, and a shrinking waist line. Good for
you. But some folks who’ve taken the Primal leap—particularly those who were
previously on a high-carb diet—have been faced with unexpected side effects
waving them back to the world of bread, sugary fruits and sweet potato
these side effects include a wide range of symptoms that are nearly identical to
symptoms of severe thyroid hormone deficiency. More interestingly, lab tests
often show normal or near normal thyroid function. More interesting still is
that these symptoms seem to only be relieved by adding back carbs into the diet,
sometimes upward of 300 grams—a level I consider to be very likely to
Why is this
happening? Is it that low-carb simply doesn’t work for everyone, or is something
else going on?
In an effort to
get to the bottom of this, low-carb asking his cadre of low-carb literate practitioners to weigh in on the issue
with our opinions. This so happens to be an issue I’ve been pondering since
reading about the controversy over safe starches, and a couple pieces of the
puzzle recently fell into place that I think I add up to at least one
explanation for the debilitating symptoms some people develop on going low-carb,
and offer a method for anyone going low-carb to do so without
Here’s what I
discovered about those with thyroid problems.
Abrupt Change
May Be too Much For the Thyroid
People who run
into trouble going low-carb seem to follow a pattern. They follow any number of
diets from SAD to vegan before making a relatively abrupt switch to a low carb
(often less than 50 gm) diet. At first they lose weight as hoped but then,
instead of feeling more energetic from their weight loss, they develop fatigue,
sometimes accompanied by symptoms of low thyroid function including cold
extremities, hair loss, and digestive problems. Only by consuming more carbs
again can they reduce these symptoms.
Because their
fatigue and other symptoms are classic for thyroid malfunction, many will get
their levels tested, only to come away confused when the tests health
practitioners typically order (TSH and T4) come out normal.
Those who get
more extensive testing may get a test called reverse T3, or rT3 for short. These
are often abnormally high, leaving them to believe they have found the root of
the problem. Some are given a prescription for T3 in hopes of regaining energy
and the intervention seems to help, at least a little.
Reverse T3 is a
kind of chemical opposite of regular T3, a mirror image compound called an
enantiomer. Reverse T3 has opposite effects of T3, and has long been
associated with a set of symptoms aptly called hibernation
syndrome—fatigue, weight gain, and so on. If you have suffered from severe
hypothyroidism, you may have gone through times where you felt like you really
just want to crawl away to a quiet place and rest for a long, long while. Your
body was telling you to hibernate.
In addition to making our energy
go dormant, high rT3 is also associated with increased levels of LDL, often in
the 200s.
those who have added carbs back into their diet and have gotten retested find
that their levels of rT3 have gone down without additional T3 supplementation.
What’s more, if their LDL was high, adding carbs back to the diet also solved
that problem as well, completely counter to the idea that carbs drive insulin
which increases LDL.
I have to admit
that though I have cared for thousands of people following low carb diets to my
knowledge none ran into this problem so I paid very little attention to the
issue with rT3. Only when I started reading about people suffering from thyroid
side effects from following low carb did I started seriously thinking about that
pesky little molecule. I wondered what it was supposed to be good for: Why
would nature program our biology to manufacture a compound that seems to do
little other than make people miserable and potentially clog our
There’s no
question that eating certain foods can help lower cholesterol—oats, nuts and
fish high in omega-3 fatty acids are particularly effective. And previous
research suggests that plant sterols—those plant compounds added to foods like
margarine, orange juice and yogurt drinks—can also help lower cholesterol
levels. Two new studies offer important information on how small changes to your
diet and eating habits can help significantly lower cholesterol
A Daily “Drip”
of Plant Sterols
Many people have
turned to foods fortified with plant sterols in an effort to lower cholesterol.
It appears, however, that getting the most benefit from these foods isn’t as
simple as gulping a fortified glass of orange juice in the morning or slathering
your toast with margarine. Rather, a small study suggest that consuming plant
sterols throughout the day—what researchers term a daily “drip”—may help lower
cholesterol as much as 6 percent in as little as six days.
Researchers at
Tufts University in Boston, Mass., recruited 29 volunteers to determine the
effects of consuming plant sterols throughout the day over a six-day period.
During the control phase, all participants consumed a weight-maintaining diet
free of plant sterols. For the second phase, participants were placed on the
same diet, but with the addition of 1.8 grams of plant sterols at breakfast.
During the third phase, the volunteers once again consumed the same diet, but
ate 1.8 grams of plant sterols divided equally between the three main meals each
day. For two weeks between each phase, participants consumed their normal
Measurements of
LDL-cholesterol levels were taken at the beginning and end of each phase, with
the greatest reduction—6 percent—occurring following the third phase when plant
sterols were consumed throughout the day. The full results were published
An Apple a
It may be an old
adage, but the theory about eating an apple every day to keep the doctor away
received some scientific backing from researchers at the University of Florida.
They recruited 160 women, ages 45 to 65, to eat dried apples or prunes (about
240 calories worth) every day for a year. Researchers measured the subjects’
cholesterol levels at three-, six- and 12-month intervals. After six months, the
women who ate the dried apples showed a 23 percent drop in LDL-cholesterol
levels and a 4 percent increase in HDL levels. And, despite the added calories,
the women lost, on average, 3.3 pounds over the course of the study.
“Reducing body
weight is an added benefit to daily apple intake,” said lead researcher Dr.
Bahram Arjmandi. Part of the reason for the weight loss, he explained, could be
the fruit’s pectin, which is known to have a satiety effect. The next step in
confirming the results of this study, which were presented at in April in Washington, D.C., is a
multi-investigator nationwide study.
High cholesterol
is currently the most prevalent health condition in the United States, with an
estimated 101 million Americans having a total cholesterol level greater than
200 mg/dl. Though not considered a disease itself, high cholesterol is
associated with numerous diseases, such as heart disease, hypertension, diabetes
and stroke.
Break through plateaus/ New to exercise/ Improve technical skills/
Individualized monitor/ Motivation Efficiency
There're three major ways of shopping for Motorcycle Insurance in Alberta:
Much similar to a broker, an agent happens to be a middle man among you & the insurance corporation, and is able to assist you decide on the correct coverage. An agent, not like a broker, works with just one insurance corporation. This has the advantage of making them a specialist on their corporation's policies as well as services, but implies you are just going to get a single quote from Single Corporation at a time.
In conclusion, you are able to buy your policy in a straight line from the insurance corporation, having the middle man left out entirely.Every one of such options has a number of pros as well as cons. A broker allows you to put side by side rates from many companies, but might not be as well-informed about every one of the corporations in question. An agent makes available the same professional advice, other than with additionally detailed information of the single corporation in question. In both cases, you have to go through your broker or agent to purchase your policy. From time to time, this can stand for a superior rate since there's a commission shelled out to the broker / agent, save for this isn't at all times the case. A broker as well as an agent makes available personalized service as well as individual advice.
We have worked with schools across the United States, and
believe us, you are not the only person asking this question!
The answers that we have heard from our customers are as varied
as our customers are. The debate over school uniforms is
complicated, so we've included highlights from both sides for
you to consider:
School uniforms are a bargain. They are becoming far less
expensive than many other clothes. Schools argue that school
uniforms are economical, especially compared to designer
clothing, and parents agree given school uniform durability.
They say school uniforms last longer because they are made for
repeated wash and wear. Many schools capitalize on this by
starting used school uniform stores or swap meets. Parents can
get used school uniforms at discount prices, or just use them as
hand-me-downs between siblings.
School Spirit:
Some feel wearing a school uniform helps build school spirit. It
instills a feeling of belonging. As the Beach Boys said, "Be
true to your school." Schools report an increase in school pride.
Supressing individuality is the most commonly cited objection to
school uniforms. Educators argue that an academic program
encouraging students to pursue individual thought is much more
important than what they wear. They inhibit creativity and
self-expression, forcing students to conform.
Causes Discipline Problems:
Some students reject any rules. Forcing them to wear school
uniforms only aggravates their rebelious spirit. They alter
their school uniform by tightening, widening, shortening, or
lengthening them, and teachers are given the impossible task of
policing the students on a daily basis.
Little or No Relationship to Academics:
Opponents insist that their is no credible evidence that school
uniforms improve school discipline or promote higher academic
acheivement. The principal argument is that some great students
are terrible dressers. Dress does not necessarily improve
Computer Interfaces
A lot of computer interfaces are going wireless. To
give comfort at work, optical mouse`s and keyboard`s are being designed
to eliminate the wire. There are many gaming consoles which work without
being connected via wire. There are systems which capture real time
data and then send them for detailed analysis like the weather forecast
system. There the system is located in a remote area and hence no wired
connection is possible. After capturing the data`s the system transmits
them with the help of blue tooth technology to some remote server. The
remote server does all the calculations and then sent it to some other
remote servers to transmit the data.The wireless
technologies are based on sensors. Think of the television or some
other remote. It is connected without wires but works fine from a
certain distance. The principle of working is a sensor is kept at both
the devices i.e. the television and the remote. When a signal is
generated and transmitted it is received by the sensor located in the
Television. On receipt of the signal, the corresponding interrupt is
triggered to change the present state as directed. The sensors need to
work fine and should be maintained in such a way so that they do not get
damaged quickly.
Sign posts on roads and highways have to face a lot of wear and tear due to different kinds of pressures and impacts. This is the reason that sturdy posts like a steel delineator post are used to ensure the safety of traffic, as they are able to sustain in all kinds of weather and withstand the challenges presented by a busy road. Sign posts and delineator posts are of two types – flexible ones and the ones that are not flexible. Here we will discuss flexible sign posts and lane dividers. These sign posts and dividers are made of hard and durable polymers which can withstand the impact if a vehicle runs into them. They also have hardware inbuilt into them which enables the mounting of signs. There are a variety of different sign posts and dividers with different options available in the market like temporary signs and anti glare panels. These posts can be customized according to their placement and the requirement.
different factors affect how much weight a wheel can carry and every
application is different. The "capacity" of a wheel to carry weight, or a
wheel's ability to sustain a load will differ from application to
application, and will depend greatly on;
- the variety of stresses and strains placed on the wheel
- in what direction loads are applied to the wheel
- how often loads are applied to the wheel
- how fast loads are applied to the wheel
- the manner in which a load is set against the wheel
- environmental rigours – temperatures, caustic mediums, etc.
- the speed at which a wheel is made to travel
- the number of wheels that will be used together to carry a load, and how they interact with one another
Safe working load, sometimes referred to as normal working load, is the maximum weight that a manufacturer suggests a wheel can safely hold or transfer under ideal circumstances. It is calculated by determining the wheel's breaking point under a static load, and then dividing that number by an appropriate factor of safety. To help ensure jobsite safety and to mitigate its customers' risk, conservative factors are often applied when determining suggested SWL limits; determining the SWL requirement for an application requires an assessment by a competent person of the maximum load the wheel can sustain in the environment in which it will be used.
Not all applications are performed under ideal circumstances and wheels are often made to perform in hostile environments that may adversely affect a wheel's ability to bear weight. In these situations, it may be necessary to consult a professional. Some additional adverse factors that may indicate that a professional assessment is necessary include:
- a moist or damp environment
- abnormally hot or cold conditions
- any customizations to the dimensions of the wheel
- potential exposure to any chemicals
- speeds that will exceed 3 mph (4.82 kph)
- load that cannot be distributed evenly against the tread of the wheel
- multiple load or stress conditions; that is an operating environment where the wheel may be exposed to more than one type of load and/or more than one load direction
MBA Master Administration
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